
Year in Review: Newsletter Q4-2023 (Issue 2)

Posted Feb 09, 2024 in Newsletters
627 Hits

Year In Review

Dear Friend,

It has been a year since we launched Father of Love Fellowship, and I thought I would share the highlights from this first year and offer some of my personal reflections.

We have begun simply with limited resources including no physical property to locate the ministry, and while seeming like a major incumbrance, it has proved to be quite the opposite to us.

We have been working to set the foundation strong and sure, which up to this point, has meant investing our financial resources in the development of the message (through writing, printing, and preaching) and the people who want to share it. We currently support workers that represent over 15 countries. 

"And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, [and] strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure” (Isaiah 33:6)

True stability lies not in our physical property or lofty bank accounts but in having an experiential knowledge of the Son of God and His Father.

We had a fantastic season of feasts this past year culminating with our Tabernacles program, which saw dear friends from Puerto Rico fly in and join us as well as new friends from Michigan, Arkansas, Kentucky, North Carolina, Alabama, New York, Oklahoma, and New Jersey and dear friends from Tennessee, Florida, Georgia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Thailand. The venue had just enough space to accommodate our needs and the atmosphere was a foretaste of heaven. It was beautiful to see so many young people integrating and mingling with one another from so many different backgrounds and cultures.

We had ten different presenters, twelve different testimonies, and children’s programs. We presented messages about the flood, the nature of inspiration, principles of Gods judgments, identity, the French Revolution, and the channel of blessing and the Sabbath.

Here is a link to our playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLKvawcR3wzZC48Yk-uIqlakFgPTchCb9b

We were also blessed to have pastor Adrian Ebens, his wife, Lorelle, and son, Daniel, visit on two different occasions after a three-year hiatus due to the Covid-19 lockdowns and travel restrictions. We conducted a five-day series of meetings in June, which culminated in two different baptismal ceremonies, and an eleven-day Bible training program in the second half of October. We had dear friends come from many states as well as from British Columbia, Canada, and Australia.

Pastor Adrian Ebens, Danutasn Brown, and myself presented and the messages included a wide array of subjects including indignation and paganism, who required Jesus to die and why, Chronos and the judgment, atmosphere and frequencies, the third angels message, the Biblical calendar, Christ’s Mission to the world, 1888, Old and New Covenant Blood, Living Bread from Heaven – a rejection of the word of God featuring the greatest famine in modern history in late 1950’s communist China.

Here is a link to the playlist: 2023 Bible Training - Georgia USA

We have conducted meetings and studies with current and new believers across North America – members of our team have traveled to Canada, Puerto Rico, Florida, Alabama, Arkansas, Colorado, Arizona, California, and Maine to share this message.

Our year ended with a road trip that lasted three weeks, covering approximately 6,000 miles that took us to San Ramon, California and back. We assisted pastor Adrian and his family on a speaking and book tour for his latest book, The Mirror Principle. We ran meetings in 3 different locations and along the way we visited new believers interested in learning more about the message.

Here is a link to pastor Adrian’s final sermon of the tour, which was quite special given that it was in a Seventh Day Adventist church: https://youtu.be/x_h15xLY8CI?si=k6Zi42vSJjEFWS5I

What is our desire for the future?

  •  Continue to enhance our video content in the form of short videos and eventually podcasts in addition to continued sermon style content
  •  Continue to develop the canvassing program with the aim to make it viable for those who take up the work of taking our message to people’s homes including Bible work. We are grateful to Malcolm Reedy and Obadiah Wright for spearheading this.
  •  Acquire property to house, print (on a limited basis), and distribute our publications and explore the possibility of hosting future feasts and Bible training events.

I want to thank everyone for their support in prayer; study of our publications; sermons; and attendance of our Wednesday pray meetings, Sabbath services, feasts, June and October Bible Training events, and our cross country tour meetings. We are also grateful for the financial support from all of you who have and are donating.

For Our Father and His Son,

Ben Kramlich





To read the rest of the newsletter, go here: https://fatheroflove.info/download_section/view/newsletters