
Ben Kramlich

Presenter: Ben Kramlich
Presented: Aug 20, 2023 - May 03, 2024
Presentations: 7

Ben shares an important aspect of history associated with the 1888 general conference session in Minneapolis that until recently has been overlooked. Was more preached at the 1888 conference than just the most precious message of the covenants and a correct understanding of the law and the gospel in Galatians? What was going on in the country leading up to and immediately after this conference as it relates to the US Constitution? Does the true message of righteousness by the Faith of Jesus have the power that it does without the message of liberty of conscience?

Father of Love Fellowship shares the truth about who the God of the Bible and who His Son, Jesus Christ are, for this is life eternal (John 17:3). It's common knowledge that God is love, but what does that actually mean? We share this message in print, sermons, booklets, and books. We fund a number of missionaries and translators across the world as well. To support our work, visit our website:


Presented: May 03, 2024
Presenter: Ben Kramlich

Too few us know that the first great controversy in the fledgling church since the days of the Apostles began at the end of the second century over the issue of Passover. There is a reason for that. Satan doesn't want us to come to these appointed times and receive of the sanctifying Spirit of God in greater measure. Ben Kramlich looks at some of the accounts of the attack on Passover and the feasts from the second century to the Seventh.

Father of Love Fellowship shares the truth about who the God of the Bible and who His Son, Jesus Christ are, for this is life eternal (John 17:3). It's common knowledge that God is love, but what does that actually mean? We share this message in print, sermons, booklets, and books. We fund a number of missionaries and translators across the world as well. To support our work, visit our website:


Presented: Apr 29, 2024
Presenter: Ben Kramlich

Today, when we observe nature we find beauty and inspiration that we ourselves cannot reproduce, but we also find suffering, violence, and death. Why do many animals need to kill and eat other animals in order to sustain life and when did animals first begin to do this? Did it have anything to do with the first act of recorded violence against our fellow man in human history? And what do animals being sustained by the death of other animals tell us about the cross?

Father of Love Fellowship shares the truth about who the God of the Bible and who His Son, Jesus Christ are, for this is life eternal (John 17:3). It's common knowledge that God is love, but what does that actually mean? We share this message in print, sermons, booklets, and books. We fund a number of missionaries and translators across the world as well. To support our work, visit our website: https://www.fatheroflove.info

Presented: Apr 08, 2024
Presenter: Ben Kramlich

And wisdom and knowledge shall be the stability of thy times, and strength of salvation: the fear of the Lord is his treasure. Is 33:6 KJV

When you think of a prosperous nation what comes to mind? What causes it to flourish?

We will explore the thoughts of some of the founding fathers and past presidents of the United States and a little know Oxford social anthropologist and compare them to the principles and pattern given to us in the word of God.

Father of Love Fellowship shares the truth about who the God of the Bible and who His Son, Jesus Christ are, for this is life eternal (John 17:3). It's common knowledge that God is love, but what does that actually mean? We share this message in print, sermons, booklets, and books. We fund a number of missionaries and translators across the world as well. To support our work, visit our website: https://www.fatheroflove.info

Presented: Feb 04, 2024
Presenter: Ben Kramlich

This seems like an obvious answer……of course God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. It also seems obvious that God hardened Pharaoh’s heart (Ex 7:13,14) and that He killed Saul (1 Chron 10:14) and tempted David to number Israel (2 Samuel 24:1) if you don’t seek elsewhere in the Bible for more context. The truth is that Pharaoh hardened his own heart (Ex 8:15,32), Saul killed himself (1 Sam 31:4), and Satan tempted David to number the people (1 Chron 21:1).

These things being true is there another way to understand the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah without ignoring any evidence in a way that harmonizes all of the verses? Take a look at this presentation and see if you find the God of Jesus Christ?

Father of Love Fellowship shares the truth about who the God of the Bible and who His Son, Jesus Christ are, for this is life eternal (John 17:3). It's common knowledge that God is love, but what does that actually mean? We share this message in print, sermons, booklets, and books. We fund a number of missionaries and translators across the world as well. To support our work, visit our website: https://www.fatheroflove.info

Presented: Feb 18, 2024
Presenter: Ben Kramlich

In this message we take a deep dive into the Cross. Who is the one who paid the price and who required it? Could God freely forgive us or did He need to be appeased first? Did He require the death of His Son?

That is, that God was in Christ reconciling the world to Himself, not imputing their trespasses to them, and has committed to us the word of reconciliation. 2 Cor 5:19 NKJV

Father of Love Fellowship shares the truth about who the God of the Bible and who His Son, Jesus Christ are, for this is life eternal (John 17:3). It's common knowledge that God is love, but what does that actually mean? We share this message in print, sermons, booklets, and books. We fund a number of missionaries and translators across the world as well. To support our work, visit our website: https://www.fatheroflove.info

Presented: Dec 17, 2023
Presenter: Ben Kramlich

Virtually all Christians and many non Christians have heard of the phrase "Mark of the beast' from Revelation 13 and 14. What does this actually mean? Is it an implant or bar code or social credit score tied to central bank digital currencies or is it a visible sign of allegiance or submission to a false system of worship. And what could this false system of worship look like? Watch this presentation to find out.

Father of Love Fellowship shares the truth about who the God of the Bible and who His Son, Jesus Christ are, for this is life eternal (John 17:3). It's common knowledge that God is love, but what does that actually mean? We share this message in print, sermons, booklets, and books. We fund a number of missionaries and translators across the world as well. To support our work, visit our website: https://www.fatheroflove.info

Presented: Aug 20, 2023
Presenter: Ben Kramlich