
Sabrina's Book of Poetry!

Posted Jan 31, 2025 in Book Selections
92 Hits

It is a great pleasure to share Sabrina Reedy's new book of poems entitled Return Unto Thy Rest. In this book she shares the story behind each poem and pictures that go with it. It is such a blessing to hear of how God's love is not dependent on our performance - His love is Agape - in the form of rhyming verse. Sabrina articulates so well the struggle of holding on to our Father's love in the face of our unbelief, and when she overcomes it feels like we, the reader, do too! Below is one example poem, called That's Not Who You Are

4. That’s Not Who You Are
April 12, 2024

As I completed and finally shared a project that had been so special to me, and such a blessing to my own marriage and walk with the Lord (the Growing in Grace couples’ devotional), I felt an increasing intensity of attacks from the enemy. As Passover was also approaching, I was not surprised by this. Those who have become familiar with God’s calendar can attest to the uncanny pattern of spiritual warfare in the days and weeks leading up to these appointed times, followed by spiritual breakthroughs during them. Thus, I clung to God’s promises and the ways He had been healing my mind, as the enemy sought to pummel me with destructive thoughts from his performance-kingdom, and paint a picture of my heavenly Father as one whom I could never do enough to please. After one particularly difficult night, unaware that we had entered the New Moon season, I awoke early in the morning with a desperate desire to spend time with God. I knew that the image Satan was trying to impress upon my mind was a horribly false one, and one which I must reject immediately, and could only do so in my Father’s strength.

That's not who You are, God; that's not who You are.
No matter how deep exists this scar,
No matter what the enemy says in the dark,
I know in my heart, Lord, that's not who You are.

You're not one to force, or pressure, or prod;
You're not a controlling, domineering God.
You never neglect a loving embrace;
The scowl of disdain never shadows Your face.

Any good thing done through us, You rejoice for its sake.
But the devil's there prowling; He's wide awake,
To say, "Now, what's next? What more can you do?
You think that's enough to make God pleased with you?

Your every decision, moment by moment,
Has the potential to trigger His sure disappointment.
Look at all the other tasks you've failed to complete,
And you think you have time to just sit at His feet?

You know time is short; there's so much to be done!
You think God approves your desire to "have fun"?
If you reject His instructions, His Spirit will leave;
A breach in the wall you will surely achieve.

Then you'll be in my hands, and I'll do as I please;
I'll tempt and harass, and confuse and deceive.
What a "loving" thing for your Father to do...
You'd better not neglect all He's asking of you!

You can't do it all, Sabrina. Face it, you're done.
You cannot be all things to everyone.
How unfair of your God to expect that of you!
What you've believed of His love clearly just isn't true..."

But I shout, "Get behind me, in Christ's precious name.
I will not let you speak of my Father this way.
That's not who He is; you're a liar, a fake.
At the cross every one of your chains He did break.

You're the one who enslaved us all here in this game,
Of running and striving and reaching for fame.
I'm a citizen no more of your kingdom, cruel one.
You're exposed and defeated; my Saviour has won!

Any good thing that's done is from Him, never me;
So I will rest in His arms—ever loved, ever free.
And I'll never stop fighting to help my loved ones to see,
That He'll gladly do for them what He's done for me."

I know who You are, God; I know who You are.
Your love is unfailing; it heals every scar.
I'll cling to Your beauty when the moments get dark.
In the face of Your Son, Lord, I know who You are.

