
Luzon Revival Meeting: A Testimony of God’s Faithfulness

Posted Jan 08, 2025 in Responses and Feedback
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Revival Meeting: A Testimony of God’s Faithfulness
By Chin Chin

I am truly blessed, at peace, and content with the work that God has placed me in right now: translating and editing books from Maranatha Media to our website, maranathamedia-philippines.com. Lately, my mental health and body have been depleted of strength and energy. I was yearning for a connection to nature and for people who were continually seeking after righteousness. Suddenly, I received a call from a brother in Christ who was truly zealous for God’s work and was connecting with me for a revival meeting here in Luzon, Philippines. Grateful that God knows what I need, and He is faithful!

Brother Jerven sharing. He has carried that projector to many places!

Brother Jerven Chavoso has a beautiful family with a virtuous wife and one little child named Faith Agape. Ever since I was in Mindanao, this beautiful family has been actively spearheading camp meeting programs in Mindanao. My uncle, Gil Castor, took me to different ministries and outpost centers in Mindanao, and there I met and got to know Bro. Jerven and his family. Praise God for Bro. Jerven’s zeal for the work as he has been passionately leading youths. I remember every morning in Escarpment Hill, Gingoog, where we had our youth training, he would always wake up early at 4:00 a.m., even if it was freezing, so we could have our group prayer. In that fellowship, our friendship grew in the Father and His Son Jesus.

Before I flew back to Luzon, I told and encouraged Bro. Jerven about the message we had in the Fatheroflove movement so we could start organizing Fatheroflove Philippines. I praise God that Bro. Jerven has now become the channel of blessings for Fatheroflove Philippines (Facebook group). He has also been translating and editing books! I am so happy for him and his family, seeing how amazing and faithful our gentle, loving Father is!

Now that I am longing for connections, our Father never fails to connect us in Spirit and in Truth—this time in Luzon, Philippines. Prior to the revival meeting, we were connecting and praying online, especially about the books we were translating and editing, that they would truly spread to many people in the Philippines and that the message of the books would be easily understood in simple terms. We were also praying for the upcoming revival meeting and were grateful that Brother Obadiah Wright was also sharing the message here in the Philippines. I had met him in Gingoog, Mindanao, and had the chance to work with MinPra (Mindanao Poverty Relief Action) for an advocacy teaching young people in different schools throughout the entire community of Gingoog. I previously wrote an article on the work we did: The Highlight of My Calling (Identity, Value and Sexual Health)

It was December 11 when we met here in Manila, and I never expected to see Sister Irish Joy and Bro. Gerald (her husband). My heart was full of gratitude that I was able to connect with them again—my Vege-to-Go family, with whom I got the chance to work since and during the opening of the plant-based health food ministry in Gingoog. I was so full of blessings! The goodness and mercy of God surely follow me all the days of my life!

From the left: Chin Chin, Obadiah, Jerven, Irish, and Gerald

So, we traveled for hours to a small community in Tayabas, Quezon Province, where the revival meeting was held. It was raining and late at night when we arrived, and we almost lost our way to where we would probably stay. But I trusted the Lord as our surest way, and God made it possible for us. It was so amazing how we reached the place where we stayed. Before we could finally arrive at that home, we passed through a narrow pathway. But the pathway made it easy for us to walk without hassle from the mud and rain.

How beautiful it was for me to ponder the love of God that assured me of my journey in this narrow way of life—to not be afraid or dismayed, for He is with me; Emmanuel! I trust that the journey is light and effortless because my Father in heaven already made it for me through His Son Jesus!

During our stay with them, the connections deepened over time. I met lovely mothers with different stories. It was such a nice staycation with them as I slept with them in one room, hearing how they longed for their daughters to also be involved in the Lord’s work. I praise God for the opportunity to talk to them. They were such energetic and beautiful mothers. I couldn’t forget the way they laughed!

It’s Sabbath Day! Praise God, the number of people was increasing. Many have heard the message that the last message of mercy to be given to the world is the revelation of God’s character of love. I’ve witnessed how God is so faithful to His people in this small community, far from the capital city of Luzon. He never gave up on these people. As I interviewed some of them who were part of the reformation, they told me that they started in this community around the late ’70s to ’90s. And so, I’ve seen how God has been holding and enduring with these people until one of the families accepted and embraced the message of love.

Tim is taking the selfie

Sabbath afternoon testimonies were such a blessing to me personally, witnessing the beautiful revelation of the character of God in actual scenarios with the people who became channels of blessings, dealing with and showing grace to each other despite a little commotion that happened. Kuya Tim has been a blessing in the meeting as he carried such a heavy message of the character of God and how it is connected to the sanctuary. After such commotion, I was mesmerized by Kuya Tim’s prayer, filled with grace and the spirit of Christ, interceding for His people. I have personally witnessed Christ's royal authority and majestic kingly power of grace and love!

I had so much joy in my heart for the grace of Christ and how faithful He is in responding to my prayers and longings, which made me stronger, more hopeful, and trusting Him fully!

Obadiah is still in the Philippines. He just climbed Mt. Apo, the highest mountain there!

For the word of the Lord is right and true; he is faithful in all he does. Psalms 33:4