
Chronos Insight in the book "As You Judge"

Posted Jul 20, 2022 in Responses and Feedback
826 Hits

Blessing from our ever Loving Father!!!!

I want to share this eagerly.

To Everyone I know and have a book 'AS YOU JUDGE' by Pr. Adrian Ebens,

Please jump to pages 162 to 167, this is chapter 25 'CHRONOS AND THE CLOSE OF PROBATION' ....

You will be delivered from the FEAR OF DEATH....

Shortness of time will no longer pose a threat that you are late and a hopeless case...

When you accepted Jesus Christ you live in ETERNITY... Time can not scare you anymore...

This is a great deliverance to everyone who is waiting for the soon return of CHRIST with intense FEAR bcoz of unpreparedness. I challenge everyone to live moment by moment in Eternity knowing that we have Christ within. .

TIME AND ETERNITY ARE TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. Satan has taken advantage of us who believe that that time is running out. TIME is always associated with Fear of Death...

Let's kill the Time indeed by believing that we now live in eternity because we accepted Jesus Christ who lives in eternity...

We are not time bounded in Christ Jesus.

I am delivered from all classes of FEAR now.

The shortness of time is frequently urged as an incentive for seeking righteousness and making Christ our friend. This should not be the great motive with us; for it savors of selfishness. Is it necessary that the terrors of the day of God should be held before us, that we may be compelled to right action through fear? It ought not to be so. Jesus is attractive. He is full of love, mercy, and compassion. He proposes to be our friend, to walk with us through all the rough pathways of life. He says to us, I am the Lord thy God; walk with Me, and I will fill thy path with light. Jesus, the Majesty of heaven, proposes to elevate to companionship with Himself those who come to Him with their burdens, their weaknesses, and their cares. He will count them as His children, and finally give them an inheritance of more value than the empires of kings, a crown of glory richer than has ever decked the brow of the most exalted earthly monarch. LHU 98.3

Thank you Pr Adrian for helping us understand this. You're such a huge blessing to us who are poor in spirit and you freely and unselfishly shared yours....

Slpecial tnx also to

bros. Danutasn Brown and Richard Robison
