
The Desire of my Life ('Desire of Ages' Review)

Posted Apr 01, 2022 in Responses and Feedback
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I started reading the book Desire of Ages back in high school. One of my wonderful teachers back then taught me all that would equip me with knowing and understanding God; she gave me her only copy and it became one of my favorite books. I loved it so much that I would read it over and over, especially the way it explains deeply the life of Christ and the wonderful plan of salvation that was made with a loving Father for the salvation of His children.

I especially love how it explains Christ's life as a youth and how kind and respectful he was. His upbringing was so humble, born in a poor home in a poor town. He could have chosen to be born in kingly palaces and the best homes in the world, yet he chose to go to the lowest home to reach to the lowest point - all for the love he had for us to die for our sins, redeem us and give us a living example

I would recommend this book to whoever has a chance of getting it, this book has changed me and my only desire now in life is to love according to God’s errands.

My favorite chapter is the one that talks about John the Baptist. It is really sad, yet inspiring, to know that John the Baptist died standing for God. It facinates me that even John himself did not fully understand mission of Jesus Christ, only realizing towards the end of his life. That such a great man didn't know is a reminder to us to always be humble.