
Identity Message Brings Freedom

Posted Jan 01, 2018 in Identity Wars Feedback
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I have been sharing your book Identity wars with a number of my friends. Everyone of them have identity issues. Some come from a very abusive background and grew up looking for worth in all the wrong places. Another friend used drugs and attempted suicide and still has some serious concerns. One other has issues with power, position, money, education. Another person who is a Roman Catholic, called me yesterday and told me she was reading the chapters I am translating into Spanish, even though she is not a reader and has no interest in things we believe as Seventh-day Adventists. A young woman who stayed with us a few days has lots of problems as well. I was sharing with her the comparison you made in your book between Lucifer and Absalom, and she was really touched by it. 

As I read the book during worship another friend was crying, because none of us have ever really thought of the pain of separation of the Father in regards to Lucifer. I mean, why kind of love is that? Why would the Father cry for a traitor? So I ask myself, why would the enemy want this book translated into Spanish or any other language with a content such as this? We are beginning to experience the freedom that being children of God can give us, and the shackles are coming off, but the enemy would love to keep us bound. None of us have truly understood God's love; all these years in the church, understanding prophecy and many other things that are good in themselves, but never really understanding the love of our Father. It is only now, through this message, that we are beginning to see more clearly the heart issues involved in worth, who we are in Christ, and how all this is part of the great controversy.

Please keep us in prayer. We are all under attack. As I read your book and share it with my friends, I sense its importance, and the relentless anger of the enemy against those who take hold of the concepts you are sharing in it. 

Cristina. USA