
Life-Changing Light Shone Upon the Cross of Christ

Posted Dec 13, 2019 in Cross Examined Feedback
1,430 Hits

My friend Andrew implored me to listen to the audiobook for Cross Examined and Cross Encountered, and I was amazingly blessed. If you haven’t yet listened to or read it, PLEASE do so!! In my 20 years of Christianity, brighter light has never been shone upon the cross of Christ. Below is Andrew’s testimony in encouraging another brother to listen as well, which I’ve gotten his permission to share, since he put my very same thoughts into words...

“As I was eluding to in our conversation last night, here attached is a must listen/read. My personal testimony respecting this short book is that it is the singular most clear/powerful/moving exposition of Christ and Him crucified, and the character of His Father, that I have ever read/heard... and since coming across this message last week, I have personally experienced a drawing closer to God through His Son to new levels and intensity - as well as a more vivid realization of the nearness of Christ's Second Coming. In short I cannot praise God enough for this revelation of truth, and want nothing more than for others to experience the same abundant blessings from this as I have. I pray you are able to find some quiet prayerful time this week in order to take this in and to meditate on those things which you will hear/read.” We are both so thankful to brother Adrian for allowing God to use him to share such beautiful revelations. Praise be to our Heavenly Father for faithfully blessing His children with more and more light as we walk in the light He has given us, making our paths “like the shining sun, that shines ever brighter unto the perfect day.” (Prov. 4:18‬)

Sabrina, Canada